Do you need to update your government credentials when quitting full-time job?

Feb 23 '20 Cordial 2897 clicks ask

Hello! I plan to get homebased and quit my fulltime job. 😅 Just want to ask for tips on government contributions like Love, SSS, Philhealth etc. Do you need to update all your government credentials to be self-employed for your continuous monthly contribution and tax?

Any tips will be very much appreciated please. Thank you! ❤️

9 Replies

Visit their offices Teach. From what I know, you will change your status and will just continue paying. Lalaki kasi self employed ka na.

GSIS pag government , sa SSS apply or convert your SSS membership to "self employed".

Yung philhealth and pag-ibig you need to personally update muna yung status mo na voluntary contribution ka na. Sa SSS naman no need na, pwede ka na magbayad derecho sa mga bayad centers or online or even auto debit it every month if you have bpi acct.

I changed all of them to voluntary after i resigned from work. Most clients are willing to pay for these as part of the benefits.

May minimum contribution, you can contribute quarterly or monthly.

you can declare it as Informal Sector. same level as drivers and etc. and you will pay the minimum contribution amount. ..

You can change them to voluntary contributions.

Self service lahat ng government related payments since you will be self-employed.

For PagIbig & Philhealth you can pay the minimum contribution, for SSS pay the same amount you were deducted when employed para walang issue sa retirement benefits mo.

A friend who works from SSS advised me that; otherwise if you pay minimum or less than the previous contributions, SSS will not honor payments with higher amount upon retirement.

They will only honor the minimum amount paid and in return will only get the minimum amount upon retirement. 😉
