Sharing my desktop and so grateful to be a freelancer
Aug 20 '19 Hpetsanne 2208 clicks share

Just sharing my minimalist clean desk set up...I could not believe what this very simple set up had brought me in the last 2 years... since I started converting to this kind of simplistic thankful... As freelancers let us all be wise & invest on things that really matter & things that will makes us reliable,  determine the tools & subscription that you are investing in❤😁

2 Replies

I'm worried about the glass of water near the modem.😅

😁not a modem that is just a bluetooth speaker & my back up pocket wifi LTE. The Modem is a big Huawei Globe  box modem😂😂😂 it is hidden somewhere else so that it looks neat running on premium fiber connection 😂

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