Which is better? Bibo, Acadsoc or 51talk?
Jul 18 '19 Mika 39887 clicks review

Which is better, BIBO, ACADSOC or 51Talk?

More importantly what about the flexible work schedule? Appreciate your feedback po, thanks!

6 Replies

I want to try to online teaching im a graduate of educ.but i havent pursue my teaching career i dont have any experience yet in teaching only when i was on my practicum...

i I want to try but then i know myself that im not that good in speaking the language i have fear that everytime i speak english someone will laugh at me i really want to try to teach i really want to pursue it but these are my problems.

51Talk. They give good quality training for newbies. Fast promotion too. Currently working at 51Talk.

Super flexi ang rarejob pero madami penalties at mas mababa.Ang bibo nman 24 hours pero knti lang daw student. Ang 51 30 hours dapat ma open mo during peak hours sa isang kinsenas, ang ccclass namn mas mataas pero 3 weeks ahead i pa plot sched mo. Kids madalas sa 51 while adult nman sa ccclass.

Bibo, piliin mo sched ung peak hours, like 4am to 7am then 5pm till 12mn, okay ang salary, flexy sched.

Acadsoc. My husband works there with big income. One thing to note, you don't have to be a graduate with fully four years' course since my husband is undergraduate.

Why there is no rarejob? It has the largest number of students and fully booked. The tutor rate per hour is also higher.

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