What's the best company for being an online English teacher and what's the requirements?
Feb 18 '20 Mpamazona 2247 clicks ask

Hello! I just want to ask how can I be an Online English Teacher. What's the best company? What are the things I have to buy? TIA and Have a nice day!

3 Replies

Hi you can choose different companies, I started my home-based work esl under 51talk. Required specs usually I3 or up processors, 4GB, ram, headphone and camera. Though salary is not high by I think it will depend to your level as teacher. Madami din na may better offer wait mo baka may iba pang mag reply.

You might want to try Rarejob..it offers less penalties and efficient support team.

51Talk is not worth recommending at all. So many penalties. Try alternatives.

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