What are the peak hours at 51Talk?
Nov 21 '20 kgibson 3354 clicks ask

Hello guys,

I am interested in applying for 51Talk and got screened for the interview. I want to know the peaks hours at 51Talk, if you're or you had been working there, please share some experience with me. I really appreciate that!

Thank you.

2 Replies

I'd been working at 51Talk. While at 51Talk, it is required for you to work 30 peak time hours per month at least. Each class lasts 25 minutes long and the peak hours are from 9AM to 11PM(Saturday to Sunday) and 7PM to 11PM(Monday to Friday).

Hope this help you out. What's more important, the rate at 51Talk is low and not very much worth it. If you are new in ESL industry, it's OK to work for this company to gain experience. Keep in mind that not every at 51Talk can earn a lot of money.

Good luck.

@benedict_stiedemann Thank you for your informative and useful answer! It indeed helps me.

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