Cloudflex is looking for a Sales Representative to make outbound calls to prospect clients
Jan 30 '21 ziemann_izabella 1602 clicks job

**Cloudflex, an IT/Tech support provider, is looking for a Sales Representative to make outbound calls to prospect clients. This is an urgent position. **

Rate : $4 - $6 Working time : 9-5 EST canada time zone

Minimum requirements:

  • Must have an experience in sales and marketing.
  • Fluent in English
  • Knowledge in Information Technology is an advantage but not required
  • Any working computer/laptop (Windows 10)
  • Necessary training is provided
  • Other details will be discussed during the interview

The owner of Cloudflex is my client's tech provider, so don't worry about their legitimacy. So apply na kayo please, ASAP po ito.

Please follow instruction, thank you so much and God bless.

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