We are looking for ESL teachers with good English Skills and accents!

Feb 10 '24 farrell4 3516 clicks job
Esl Teacher

We are hiring!! We are looking for ESL teachers with good English Skills and accents!

We want: 1.Stable Internet connection and video classes required 2.Good pronunciation with NO accent and NATURAL intonation 3.Good computer skill 4.Educational, Bachelor or above 5.Full time, available:(at least 6 days a week/8 hours a day) 6.Home office (stable power and internet/computer/headset) 7.At least one year ELS/IELTS teaching experience 8. Good working attitude and attendance! NO EXPERIENCE IS ALSO WELCOMED!!

Process: ONLY 5 STEPS 1.Sending resume and 1 minute introduction video 2.Get the Accent Screening! 3.20-30 mins Interview 4.Paid Training (If finish all the training in one day, will receive 560PHP as a bonus 5.Got Hired!!!

PAY: 1.Hour rate 130-205php 2.Teachers can earn up to 60,000php!!!

Can’t wait to see you all.
