Is there any way I can remove the 3star rating in Amazon store?

Feb 23 '20 Besera 2739 clicks ask

Hi guys! Is there any way I can get removed the 3 star rating in Amazon?

I'm wondering if I cannot removed this negative rating it would effect launching our product.

Please help. Thanks!

9 Replies

The best thing to do is contact the buyer. Offer a refund or replacement and ask the buyer to remove the negative review.

Almost 4 months na ako sa client ko na isa. Trabaho ko eh contact lang ng community group ng amazon to request negative review removal almost 1k emails na ang nagawa ko sa kanila pero ni isang reply galing sa kanila eh wala 😂

Contact the buyer and offer a refund in exchange of the removal of the review... 🤣

That ain't gonna happen. Even if u requested to remove that to csr amazon. We cannot remove it. Dagdagan na lang ng dagdagan ang reviews pra matabunan ang negative reviews or just to add this you might try to contact that specific buyer so you can talk and kindly edit the reviews in amazon. It will help I swear.

Request in amazon. click mo then ask amazon to remove it. Pero f legit ang review, d yan mawawala.

If I were you, di ko na yan ireremove and just work on gettig more reviews. Minsan possitive din ang impact ng negative review sa listing natin sa amazon. Pero kung may grounds ka to remove it, read first amz tos about tos then contact support. Try to also contact the customer and offer refund or exchange no need to mention about changing their review kasi eventually if maganda treatment mo babaguhin din nila yan.

pwede ka pong mag request to remove it. E rereview po nila yan. Most of the time if the review has something to do with delivery, e reremove nila yan but if it's really related to the product, 50/50 yan.

You can request to remove it. Most of the time if the review is seems like a feedback they will remove it.

Feedback or product review?

Request. But if its a legit review mahihirapan kang i pa remove yan.
