Native Camp is hiring new ESL teachers

Dec 24 '19 Gevana 5430 clicks job

Native Camp is hiring new ESL teachers 😊😊

NO RESUME NEEDED. NO INTERVIEWS AND TRAININGS.. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED. You can work full time or part time. The slots are open 24/7. Work at a time that is most convenient for you. 😊😊 Schedule is 100% flexible.

Requirements: πŸ“Œ Basic knowledge of English πŸ“ŒLaptop / PC with the webcam πŸ“ŒHeadset (with the microphone) πŸ“ŒStable Internet connection πŸ“ŒQuiet environment for work πŸ“ŒPlain background (avoid dark areas and/or messy background) πŸ“ŒTIN # πŸ“ŒBPI or PNB Account (for Salary)
