RareJob took half of my salary in form of deductions!
Jan 03 '20 Phoebe 2473 clicks review

So I'm still with Rarejob. They took half of my salary in form of deductions. Yes I am considering my options in looking for another company but I prefer to still teach to the Japanese. And the application process seem to be long and often times they ask for a video/audio introduction.

Can you tell me some tips on what I should talk about in my video/audio introduction? Thanks. :)

3 Replies

Teaching philosophy, credentials, specialization and some personal info like hobbies. All in 2-3 minutes.

Tell About your background and experience of course without bad mouthing other companies no matter how bad your experience is especially the company where you came from except 51talk.

You can also include some tips for students on how to improve their skills.

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