Is there an app we can use to call US numbers from the Philippines?
Oct 25 '20 gwendolyn_barton 4632 clicks ask

Hi, I would like to ask if is there an app we can use to call US numbers? Thanks.

23 Replies

google hangouts po, free lang

Google Hangouts, Whatsapp, Skype

Google Voice / Hangouts

gmail is free call to any US numbers

Google voice or Skype

textnow... use a vpn to create... the you can use it without vpn after creating an account

Skype is the best with credit added

Hangouts is free

app perse, if you want help in setting up a funnel this is what we use.

skype may free 1month trial then 2.99usd for us coverage. i think 3 destinations ang included dito. Then 6.99usd for north america coverage, mas wider scope than the us coverage lang

There is a free subscription in Rebtel for calling any US number. All you need is to be connected to the internet. This is supposed to be used for personal purposes only not commercial/business.

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