Happy Talk Online Tutorial is looking for additional teachers
Feb 04 '21 lester_roberts 14147 clicks job

Happy Talk Online Tutorial is looking for additional teachers with the following qualifications:

  1. Licensed Profesional Teachers.
  2. Experienced ESL Online Teachers (1 year and above.)
  3. With excellent communication skills.
  4. With wired internet connection (10 mbps) and back up (a must), noise cancelling headset, government ID, very familiar with Zoom navigation, child-friendly background, well-lit and quiet workplace.
  5. Can teach Filipino students from Kinder-Grade 7.
  6. Must be available from 11am-4pm.
  7. Can start immediately.

✅Students are fixed. ✅Not booking system. ✅No penalty. ✅Video classes are one-on-one via Zoom. ✅Those who are currently working with other ESL companies can apply. ✅All lessons/ books are company provided. ✅Salary is twice a month. 80.00/30 minutes and will increase to 90.00 after 3 months.

Thank you.

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