Digital1 is Hiring Virtual Assistant - Starting At $5 an hour
Mar 02 '22 Jeannette 1674 clicks job

Work Remotely? [Yes/No]: Yes Job Role: Virtual Assistant Company: Digital1 Work Hours and Schedule: Monday to Friday. CST. Preferably able to work an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. Work Duration: Part-time (20 hours) Rate or Salary range: Starting At $5 an hour Commission Based only? [Yes/No]: No

Description/Information: Hi! We are a growing tech company based out of the US. We are looking for a new member to join our team. We have video recording of almost every task you will need to perform and we are always will to help or answer any questions.

For this position, you must possess the following qualities to be successful:

  • Great Communicator in Writing
  • Dependable & Trustworthy
  • Detail Oriented
  • Fluent in English
  • Familiar With Gmail, Google Slides and GoogleSheets
  • Access to Skype or Slack

Thanks for your application!

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